April Favourites

Hey Everybody!!

So, today I am going to tell you my favourites for the month of April, I haven’t done a favourites post before and i’m super excited!!

My first favourite for this month is the Palmers Cocoa Butter moisturiser.

I purchased it after having a bad spell of eczema (I though i had gotten over it ) for £2.99 in a little shop called Victoria London (you can get it in most places). As most of my friends know this isn’t something I would normally buy as my skin is very sensitive so I tend to stick to the stuff I know doesn’t irritate me but in the spur of the moment I brought it and i’m glad I did! It has cleared my eczema up and has left my skin extremely soft, I would recommend it to anyone.

My next favourite is a pair of high-waisted jeans I brought from TopShop.

Photo 1 of MOTO Bleach Acid Wash Jamie Jeans

I don’t really know what to say about these apart from the could be the worlds comfiest; this was tried and tested on the 6 hour return journey from London. Oh and however comfy they may be they aren’t the cheapest at £40 but it was well worth the spend.

Another favourite for this month is the VO5 heat protect spray.

When I went to the hairdressers last month, my hairdresser recommended  VO5s Heat Protect  spray as I blow-dry my hair often and I can truly say it has changed my hair. Before using this my hair was dry and dull, but since using this product it has given my hair a healthy shine whilst protecting my hair from heat damage, LOVE IT!!!

The album I have been loving this month is Bastille’s Bad Blood.



I know this is not the newest release but I have recently discovered it and have fallen back in love with it, I mean is is constantly on repeat. At the moment my favourite song is Daniel In The Den but it keeps changing! I can’t wait for their next release.

See you soon,

Kiana x

Liebster Award

Hey everybody,

I have been nominated for the Leibster award by madeinvagas.wordpress.com. After flicking through numerous different blogs who have done this award I have noticed their are differentrules.  The rules I am going to follow are:

–  list 11 facts about yourself

– answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you

– nominate a 5 more bloggers

Credit: A Few Pretty Pastels


11 facts about me

  1.  Up until last year I used to go to stage school
  2. I live in Bristol, UK
  3. I love most Pasta dishes (some of my family are Italian)
  4. My birthday is 14th June
  5. I’m a Gemini
  6. I love Disney
  7. I hate coffee with a passion
  8. But i love tea…. especially Green Tea and Redbush Tea
  9. When I was younger I did a bit of modelling
  10. I love Shakespeare but not the essays that go with it
  11. I LOVE The Big Bang Theory

And my questions  are…

What inspired you to start blogging?

I used to have a blog before this and gave it up but a few months ago I got talking to people and it popped into my head!

Why/ how did you choose your blog name?

I was sat in science and it just came to me!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

HA, did you even need to ask this? All my friends know this, America, I love it their and miss it so much!

What is one rule you follow in life?

Don’t listen to other people, believe in yourself (well i try)

What is your favorite blog?

I have so many, probably Maylana’s Closet, she was the first blog I followed

Who is one person who inspires you and why?

Talia Castellano, If for some reason you have not heard of her she was a YouTuber and honorary CoverGirl who passed away on July 16th 2013. The reason she inspired me is because she always remained positive no matter what was happening, using the motto ‘just keep swimming’ .

What is your favorite band?

Either Coldplay or The Script


What is you favourite  film?

I have so many….. Finding Nemo!

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Spaghetti Bolognese

What is your party trick?

I don’t have one just my stupidity getting worse!

What is your dream job?

Celebrity Make-up artist (never going to happen!)

My Nominees are:

  1. http://mycuriousities.wordpress.com/
  2. http://beausandbows.wordpress.com/
  3. http://vintage-reflection.com/
  4. http://katespanish.com
  5. http://thecraftlife.wordpress.com/

My Questions for you:

  1. How did you pick your blog’s name?
  2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger self?
  3. What’s your favorite TV show?
  4. What are three things you cannot live without?
  5. Who is your favorite fictional character?
  6. What is your most prized possession?
  7. Describe yourself in three words.
  8. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
  9. What single quality do you most appreciate in people?
  10. What’s your favorite post that you’ve written? (Link, please!)

Hope all of you enjoyed this post,

See you soon,

Kiana xx

10 Style Tips

With 2014 in full swing and January nearly over, many people are switching up their wardrobes. Here are some tips you should always follow:

  1. Inspiration: If you see someone wearing an outfit that you love,base your outfit on that DON’T copy it.
  2. Love It: Don’t step out the door if your not entirely CONFIDENT in what your wearing, people WILL sense it.
  3. Shop Around: Obvious, i know but buy from DIFFERENT shops  not just one.
  4. Accessories: ADD a something to jeans and a t-shirt, it just looks much better.
  5. Match: Everything should go together.
  6. Swap: Wear something different every now and again don’t just wear the some old jeans and t-shirt.
  7. There’s a Line: Keep Your Work Outfit and your casual outfit SEPARATE.
  8. Face: Don’t Keep Your Face in the shadows.
  9. Formal: If Your Lucky Enough To Get a wedding invite wear a SUIT or DRESS because if you turn up too casual RUINS it for every one else.
  10. Know your body-shape: Wearing stuff that suits you is partly down to knowing your body-shape. ( i have linked a body shape calculator)

Kiana x

Body Shape Calculator : http://stylingup.com/body-type/